Assistant Jobs For Math Course (Course Mathematics) in Malang

2 Des 2010

Description: Kumon Sengkaling Malang
Jl. Raya areng-areng 2B Junrejo Batu - Malang 65323
Tel. : 03417331857

Vacancy for:
Assistant To Mathematics Course (Kursus Matematika)
(Assistant full time or part-time)

Work Location: Malang

# Requirements:
# Requirements: Women, at least high school education
# Age Max 30 years old
# Like the world of education and children
# Liking mathematics and willing to learn

Applications sent to:

Kumon Sengkaling Malang
Jl. Raya areng-areng 2B Junrejo Batu 65323


Include in the letter of application, you get this job information on how and from where (from what website or newspaper or anything else).

This job closes on January 10, 2011

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