Lowongan Kerja Terbaru November 2010; Marketing Manager di PT. Chang Bo Indonesia

28 Okt 2010

Description: This company is engaged in Plastic Injection Moulding.

Jl. Karawang-Cikampek KM. 87,7, Desa Tamelang, Kecamatan Purwasari, Kabupaten Karawang- West Java 41373

Telephone number: 0267 8617495
Fax number. : 0267 8617495

Work Location: Karawang


* Min of Education High School.
* Extensive experience in the field of Plastic Injection Moulding industry.
* Has extensive relations.
* Having a high dedication to the company.

Please send application and CV via eMail to:

HRD PT. Chang Bo Indonesia


Include in the letter of application, you get this job information on how and from where (from what website or newspaper or anything else).

This job closes on December 14, 2010

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